The title of this year’s annual report was at the same time an invitation to our employees around the world: “#HelloW – Values. Changes. New Directions.” Namely, we wanted to know: What was your personal #HelloW moment? We received a multitude of responses and posts—including stories of love in Australia, surprise parties in the USA, trailblazing insights in Germany, and traveling to far-off lands. The hands of the participants form a “W” as a symbol for the amazing moments.
During a ski trip in the mountains, Yuri was unexpectedly caught in a snow storm, at which time the binding on his skis also came loose without warning. Luckily, that is precisely when he experienced his HelloW moment: He stumbled across a small service station stocked with various Würth tools and was able to quickly repair his ski equipment. For Yuri, this was precisely the help he needed at exactly the right time.
Yuri, Manager of the Development of Client Base Department, Würth Russia
The Art Galleries of the Würth Group provide a wealth of inspiration. This holds true for Martina and Katrin, too: The two of them experienced their HelloW moment during a private tour through the exhibition rooms while on an outing with the marketing department.
Martina and Katrin, Würth House Rorschach
Susanne’s HelloW moment occurred in April 2018. After ten years of working for Würth in Germany, she decided to take on new projects for the company on the other side of the world: in New Zealand. To this day, she is thrilled by the fact that the Würth spirit is also embodied there.
Susanne, Würth New Zealand, E-Business Project Manager
„Wir sind die Angestellten unserer Kunden.“ Aus diesem Satz von Professor Würth im Jahr 2007 zieht Henk auch heute noch viel Motivation für seine Arbeit bei Würth. Mit Herz und Seele dabei zu sein und jeden Tag Leidenschaft zu zeigen ist für ihn wichtig. Denn indem er das tut, was er liebt, erlebt er immer wieder neue HelloW-Momente.
Henk, Sales, Würth Neuseeland
Maryna experienced her HelloW moment before she even applied for a job at Würth. All of her friends and acquaintances had nothing but good things to say about the company and its high quality standards. She was bursting with anticipation. Her application was successful and all of her expectations were met, especially with regard to the feeling of solidarity in the company: “I’m very proud of us,” she says today.
Maryna, Human Resource Manager, Würth New Zealand
They say home is where the heart is. If that is indeed the case, then Würth is home for Kate and John. They experienced their HelloW moment as their paths crossed for the first time at the office in 2002 and they became more than just colleagues. They now have two children and between them, they have been working at Würth for more than 40 years.
Kate, Marketing, and John, Head of Product, Würth Australia
As a student, it is not always easy to decide which path your future should take: How are you supposed to know what awaits you in the working world? In order to answer this question, Würth’s training department invited the graduating class of Freie Schule Anne-Sophie for a visit to offer them glimpses into the diverse training possibilities at Würth. This was a remarkable HelloW moment for the students!
Graduating class from Freie Schule Anne-Sophie’s secondary school in Künzelsau
Elżbieta has experienced several HelloW moments since she started working at Würth in 1996. One particularly special memory, however, has stayed with her in connection to her wedding: All of her colleagues attended the ceremony. “Since that day, I consider them part of my family.”
Elżbieta, Chief Accountant, Würth Poland
Six different websites for four different Würth departments—Kevin’s desk was stacked high with work. But a little thank-you note from his supervisor showed him how much his efforts were appreciated. Great motivation and a clear HelloW moment for Kevin.
Kevin, E-Commerce Manager, Würth Baer Supply Company
Als Alla mit ihrer Familie von Belarus in die USA auswanderte, wollte sie sich schon damit abfinden, immer eine „Fremde“ zu sein – bis zu ihrem ganz persönlichen HelloW-Moment: Am Tag, an dem sie endlich ihre amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft erhielt, musste sie deswegen kurz das Büro während der Arbeitszeit verlassen. Als sie zurückkehrte, empfingen sie ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen mit Applaus und Kuchen zu einer Überraschungsparty.
Alla, V.P. IT & E-Commerce, Würth Baer Supply Company
Evalia usually experiences her most beautiful HelloW moments when she can discover the world thanks to Würth: Conferences in other countries, such as Argentina or Brazil, give her the opportunity to learn about new regions, cultures, and people—even together with her family.
Evalia, Sales, Würth Mexico